Saturday, March 01, 2008

Featured Photos- BIRD COUNT BIRDS

As mentioned earlier this week, I enjoyed participating in the Great Backyard Bird Count in February. I was able to take pictures of many of the Countees and submitted several photos to the website. I was thrilled to discover that two of these photos were chosen for the GBBC Gallery!!! Included were this photo of a handsome Steller's Jay radiating blue in the morning sunlight, and the close-up of a male and female pair of Evening Grosbeaks enjoying their breakfast together at one of our feeders. To view the 2008 Photo Gallery click on this link: GBBC Photo Gallery

This is another photo I took that day of just a small portion of the maple tree that was FILLED with close to 30 Evening Grosbeaks enjoying the early morning sun, all happily cheeping and chirping! What a sight and sound treat!

Thanks for visiting!

The Great Backyard Bird Count is led by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society, with sponsorship from Wild Birds Unlimited. For more information visit the website at:

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